Communists Exploit the Defeat
No matter how things stand, singing the praises of the Soviet Union’s friendship with the Arabs has become a widespread practice today. It is echoed by every Arab - from the highest levels of political, media, and journalistic responsibility, to anyone holding a pen and finding a platform to express themselves.
In fact, those writers who do not praise the Soviet-Arab friendship find no platform to publish their views. This is because, in the minds of responsible Arabs, criticizing this friendship is perceived as serving the interests of the Western Bloc. Therefore, they believe that such a friendship must be protected from any criticism.
Thus, the opportunity came for the communist parties across the Arab world. They have become active, exploiting the ignorance, confusion, and uncertainty that enveloped both officials and non-officials in its dark wing. They exploit in them the natural tendency to flee from the place of disgrace that defeat has encircled them with, and they exploit the herd instinct, that arises in a herd when it senses danger, as well as the instinct for revenge. They exploit people’s sympathy for Palestine - its usurped land and displaced people - as well as their deep-rooted hatred of Jews.
They exploit all of these sentiments - and much more - to lead the Arab peoples, blindfolded, into the fold of international communism.
It is no wonder, then, that we hardly hear any voice or read any words today except those glorifying the friendship with the Russians and condemning our American enemies.
But the matter goes even further than that. The Al-Gomhouria newspaper in Cairo writes: “There is no doubt that one of the most crucial steps to achieve victory is the elimination of colonial culture on Arab soil - from schools, universities, and higher institutes to the press, theater, radio, publishing houses, and cinema.”
The danger in such statements is that, at first glance, they appear to be patriotic and pure. However, when you consider that the Arabs today are not culturally original and that this newspaper does not call on them - nor has it ever called on them - to embrace their authentic cultural roots, the Islamic culture, it becomes evident that this newspaper - knowingly or unknowingly - is advocating for the replacement of Western capitalist culture with communist culture.
An example of this is the measure taken by the Syrian government, as reported in Al-Talia magazine in Damascus under a bold headline: “It has been decided to close the American Cultural Center and the Goethe Institute and revoke their licenses, and the closure was implemented immediately.”
Upon reading this news, you might feel pleased. Your communist friends will tell you that this decision is a revolutionary and progressive step, and they will glorify the government that made it. They will even invite you to join them in this praise.
But can people live in a cultural vacuum? Or are you, in our present situation, when you boycott Western culture, leaving room for communist culture, pushing people towards it, and even depriving them of the opportunity to explore other cultures?"