Israel: The Whip
The Children of Israel have returned to the land of Palestine to stay. Their danger does not lie in the land they have seized now, but in their future expansion if the Arabs are unable to compete with them. However, the Arabs will not be able to compete with Israel through racist ideologies or by adopting the methods of the present Western mechanized civilization.
The state of Israel is “the whip” that drives the Arabs toward Allah. Ibn Ata’illah Al-Sakandari once said: “Whoever does not walk toward Allah through the gentle blessings of grace will be dragged toward Him by the chains of trials.” Oh, how I wish the Arabs would understand!
If the Arabs come to this realization, they must resolve the Palestine issue outside the framework of the conflict between the two global blocs. We know that the Arabs have traveled far down the path of communism, almost to the point of no return, as we previously mentioned.
This was the result of a ruinous ignorance regarding the true nature of global conflict and the realities of the current phase of social evolution on this planet.
For the Arabs to return to a balanced position between the two blocs and establish themselves as a third bloc may require them to pay the price for their past mistakes. This price may involve some temporary sacrifices of dignity and interests. However, these sacrifices will be necessary until the Arabs can regain their true dignity and their true interests.